Family Blog

Private Health Insurance. Partners & Children. Are they your family?

David McGarry

written by David McGarry

​Welcome to 2020 everybody!

Hoping everybody had a good break over Christmas & New Year.

For those who know me, I actually downed tools for a week to watch lots of Christmas films, and spend time catching up with friends & family.

As EA First continues to grow, we have for the past month or so been looking at our extended benefits.

For all employees of all organisations, the place of work, the people you work with, will form the biggest element of your life whilst working.

As such, it only feels right for us, and natural, that we look at all employees of EA First as our extended family.

Private Health Insurance was an extended benefit we were looking at and keen to incorporate. We made the decision last week to sign our employees up to Vitality.

The bigger debate we had in our mind, was do we try and go further and take up the cost of providing private health cover to our employee’s partners and children.

As with any insurance you always hope you never need to use it!

However we noted the substantial peace of mind it gave our staff, that they knew the extra cover we offer them, would be extended to their immediate family (should they have one of course).  

Do businesses today recognise that their workforce, generating the wealth of the business, are also making personal sacrifices on a daily basis?

EA First wants to show our appreciation to the partners & children of our workforce, by recognising the many sacrifices employees will make to build a career, and that we in turn will go above and beyond, and in this instance, provide private healthcare to the whole family.  

Family Blog

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